Computer Science

K.Jhansi Rani MCA
HOD of Computer Science



Message from HOD


          It gives me a sense of pride and happiness to serve as the head of the department of Computer Science.The very motto of our department is to provide education of a high standard. In life what actually matters is learning and curiosity to learn. The process of learning plays a crucial role in developing ones attitude and intellectual capability, besides career. The college prides itself for having an excellent infrastructure. We have a good teaching faculty always working hard to maintain the quality of education of the institute in general and department in particular. The department is equipped with a  laboratory  to cater to the need of students.We strongly believe that deepending upon the interest of the student, he/she may choose to go for higher studies or if recruited by any company can choose to do research, development, design, production, application, testing or management in the concerned industry.It all depends on the requirement of the student considering his/her approach towards his/her career.
 I congratulate  the team of faculty members and the students for their brilliant and original efforts and henceforth wish them a great academic career ahead.

Faculty of Computer Science Department


     G.Umamahesh MCA                         D.Krishnaveni MCA                     D.V.Mohan Krishna M.Tech


S.Jafar Basha MCA                          B.Varalakshmi
 MCA                          V.Madhuri MCA 

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