The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a programme organized by the Ministry of Education and Youth Services of the Government of India to offer opportunities and training in service to the community and the nation for students with an aptitude. It is intended to involve the college students in a variety of social service and developmental activities concomitantly with the normal academic programme. The motto of the scheme is “Education through Community Service”.


G.Devendra Reddy M.Com,M.Phil
NSS Coordinator



The NSS Aims to Develop in its Volunteers

  1. A spirit of selfless service to our people in  poverty and ignorance, irrespective of region, language, religion and caste.
  2. A willingness to share the benefits of modern higher education with our people who did not get this benefit.
  3. A dignity for manual work and respect and concern for our rural masses.
  4. A living faith in the unity of India and our great national heritage.
  5. To create awareness among the volunteers about the Environment and its impact on the society.
  6. A variety of service programmes like slum clearance,  community welfare, rural reconstruction, Plantation are available. certificate will be issued to deserving volunteers at the completion of their degree course. volunteers are expected to participate in all the training programmes and work camps organized from time to time.






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